
Moon Journeys Inward Leave a Comment

Our bodies are designed to continually gravitate towards a dynamic state of balance and ease, but sometimes through injury, illness, trauma or misuse we forget where home is, and the functioning of our body becomes compromised.  Perhaps you had an injury that didn’t quite heal or you have this nagging sense that something is off, but every doctor and test says you should be fine.  Perhaps you’re recovering from trauma and are uncertain how to resolve the myriad of symptoms, or stress is draining your vitality.  It is from this place that we begin to question how to regain our well-being.  It is here that your journey inward, towards a greater sense of wholeness begins.

Healing is the process of recognizing our own limitations and evolving through them. It is a remarkable journey that invites change, ignites courage and ultimately unburdens the soul so that we may move through the world with an ongoing sense of wholeness, and a deeper sense of purpose.  This process permeates the physical, mental and emotional aspects of our being, and provides the guidance for what is needed to rediscover balance, function and ease.

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world.

The labyrinth and the “journey inward” are both symbols of the healing process.  The journey inward is about building awareness, listening to the stories of our body, and letting go of what no longer serves us. The center of the labyrinth represents arriving home to our authentic self, into this broader and deeper understanding of who we are.  It is from here that we shed our preconceived limitations of body and mind and learn to access our innate gifts and talents.

To complete the journey we must now walk back into the world.  The path is the same, but our perspective has changed.  We have changed.  This time, as we walk back into the world we bring with us a sense of presence and connection to our self, to others, and to the world around us.  And life begins in a whole new way.